Comments on: Interview with Steve McCormack of SMc Audio The enthusiast's audio webzine Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick Dillon Thu, 02 Feb 2012 00:59:40 +0000 Thanks Jonathan — yes, Steve is one of the gentlemen of the business. If you get a chance to hear the VRE-1 in a good system I think you will be impressed. It’s about the only component I own that I think may never be replaced (but never say never, eh?).

By: Jonathan Jones Wed, 01 Feb 2012 23:02:14 +0000 I also am a great fan of Steve McCormack’s gear. I use the RLD-1 Pre as well as a DNA .5 Deluxe , driving a pair of Vandersteen 2Ci’s combined with a pair of 2W subs…all a match made in heaven. Years ago(late 80’s?) I was passing through Leucadia, CA and took a chance and stopped into Sound By the Sea audio shop where Steve was running his operation out of the back . I was merely a friend of a friend of his, but he welcomed me in and gave me the grand tour as well as a listening session to his Vandersteens driven by his McCormack gear of course! Needless to say it sounded fantastic. He’s one class act. I too hope to have the pleasure of upgrading in the not too distant future. He’s coming to Seattle on March 8th to demo the VRE pre. to the Pacific Northwest Audio Society. I will be there come hell or high water!

By: Claude Dunn Tue, 03 Jan 2012 10:57:43 +0000 Based on a report in the now defunct Audio Magazine I purchased a complete McCormack system. The Dna1, Ald1, SST and Dac I, all with the deluxe upgrades. My ears had never heard such sound. My speakers where the original Von Schweikert Vr4. My DNA 1 was returned to SMcAudio for a the complete “A mod” which took it to another level. You cannot go wrong withe any of Steve’s designs.

By: Christian Abdou Tue, 06 Sep 2011 02:34:01 +0000 I´m have a pair of B&W N805 and I purchased the DNA 125 because I never heard a amplifier sounds so good as this amp. Is there any magic in this power amp that I don´t know? Please tell.

By: Patrick Dillon Sun, 07 Aug 2011 00:51:13 +0000 Hi JDCD,
thanks for the comments. Having used happily a TLC-1, DNA .5 combo, I know the quality, and to some extent it is still a reference of mine as far more expensive gear often left me wondering what more I was getting. Steve is a class act, and his products reflect this. I agree, the used prices on McCormack gear make them a great investment for most audiophiles.

By: J.D.C.D. Mon, 20 Jun 2011 20:35:18 +0000 Great stuff there PD. It is nice to read Mr. McCormack’s thoughts on various issues as well as a little bit of history.

I had 1st heard McCormack gear in the late 90’s in an older gents system that he was playing for my friend and me as we had only heard mid-tier Bose and Polk speakers powered by Pioneer receivers. Man what a nice sound. The sound was airy, vast and clear. 10 years later when I finally had a little more money in my bank account and a listening room for music I decided to go into separates. Low and behold I had found that used McCormack Audio gear was in my budget range. I ended up with a McCormack DNA .5 and TLC-1 Deluxe. Later I found a McCormack DAC-1. The sound from this set-up is VERY nice to my ear and I didn’t have to spend insane amounts of money to get sound that I like. One thing that I couldn’t believe also was the feeling of the controls on the TLC-1 Deluxe. It felt very solid to me.

I can’t wait to see the accompanying amps for the VRE-1B.
