Comments on: Prototyping a Dipole Bass System The enthusiast's audio webzine Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Reekie Tue, 08 Oct 2013 01:15:58 +0000 Hi guys, Martin King has a worksheet for an H-frame dipole, it may be worth trying that using the same frame depth as your planned W-frame.

By: Dave Mon, 07 Oct 2013 05:09:10 +0000 Kees:

Did you find anything on modelling/doing calculations for a W-Frame dipole sub? I want to build
something using some nice 10″ woofers, but don’t have a clue where to start the calculations.

By: kees Wed, 16 Jan 2013 23:18:01 +0000 Hi There

I am searching for a way to calculate the w frame dipole but find not much, I want to try a 2 x 18 inch subwoofer with this and shelfing, now I have a acoustical resistance box who go low but sound not fine.

Nice discussion.


By: stew nelless Sun, 30 Dec 2012 22:29:57 +0000 Very nice discussion/explanation regarding dipole subs.

By: John Reekie Fri, 30 Dec 2011 01:08:49 +0000 Hi Grant, thanks for the comment! I did find a vintage Wharfedale open-baffle speaker on Troels Gravesen’s site:, although not of the configuration you described. There is some discussion on John Kreskovsky’s site on rotating a dipole woofer for matching power response to on-axis sresponse:

By: Grant N Thu, 29 Dec 2011 09:24:59 +0000 I recall an article from the ?’80’s? in an old UK magazine called Hi Fi for Pleasure, which described a full range dipole in development by Warfdale. Now memory does not serve well and may have been one of their April 1st articles unfortunately, but it described, I think, a dipole with HF on axis with the listening position ( say 60 degrees from back parallel to back wall), mid range at 45 degrees to back wall and bass at 30 degrees. Now numbers are based on again dodgy memory, but interestingly this was also speakers backing on to long wall, rather than the traditional short wall. Not sure how manouverable your subs are but assuming that my memory is not playing tricks ( I have never been able to find the original article or any evidence that it existed on the net in the last 10 years!) and it was not an April fools article, maybe moving them to postitions B and D and at 30 degrees to the back wall might be interesting?
I will eventually be trying this but am potentially another 3 to 5 years away from a room big enough.

