Comments on: Harold Budd – In The Mist The enthusiast's audio webzine Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: jim goulding Sat, 22 Jun 2013 20:54:41 +0000 Upon reading your article I looked through the “B” section of my album collection therein found The Pavilion of Dreams. Can’t remember the last time listened to this but will be spinning it tonight. Thanks.

By: Robert B. Sun, 18 Dec 2011 18:15:41 +0000 There has been a prolific output of music in the ambient genre that generally flies below the radar of most music lovers. “Please Stop Loving Me” is quite a wonderful piece and one that reveals more depth with repeated listening. I’ll have to check out “The Rules Of Another Small World”.

For those interested, a great source for this type of new music is:
A vast selection and great service. I’m not affiliated with them. Just a satisfied customer sharing a resource.

By: Walker Burns Sun, 18 Dec 2011 16:47:32 +0000 Thank you, Robert. Yes, Bordeaux is really very nice too!

I listen to all sorts of music, but recently there are some really wonderful works by a broad range of ambient artists, both veterans of the genre and new-comers. Recently, I have come across the works of a young musician Nicholas Szczepanik, working in Chicago. His work “Please Stop Loving Me” is a 45 minute single piece that explores chordal textures, layers, progressions and colors. I finally got a hold of a copy from France and it’s really a stunning piece. There are elements of others’ works in here (historical context), but it’s also VERY original. Excerpt here:

Another is M Ostermeier’s “The Rules Of Another Small World” Stark, incredible sonics & original:

Oh lucky you, to have found a copy of Fenceless Night–rare indeed!!

By: Robert B. Sun, 18 Dec 2011 04:18:44 +0000 Great review. Like you, my first exposure to Harold Budd was through “The Plateaux of Mirror”. I’ve followed his work ever since, collecting many of his albums, including this one. Of his recent titles, I recommend “Bordeaux”, another collaboration with Robin Guthrie. A couple of years ago I was lucky to find a copy of “Fenceless Night: Selections for Cinema 1980-1998”, a rare promotional compilation released to solicit film soundtrack work.

I look forward to your future reviews of this often overlooked genre of music.

By: Walker Burns Sat, 17 Dec 2011 02:04:24 +0000 Thank you, John!

By: John Sat, 17 Dec 2011 00:58:21 +0000 Excellent review. Ambient 2 by Eno & Budd is fantastic followed closely by The Pearl (my first exposure to Budd). Budd’s music, his use of tone and time and phrase, is like a masterful abstract painting.
