Comments on: Sonic Studio’s Amarra Computer Music Player The enthusiast's audio webzine Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jonathan Wed, 03 Oct 2012 11:16:58 +0000 I have been unable to use Amarra with the Airplay functionality. I presume that this is because Amarra hijacks the sound signal before it “reaches” the Airplay output. Delighted to hear if I am wrong.

By: Alex J. Sun, 17 Jun 2012 01:58:16 +0000 Hi, can you stream the music using iTunes Airplay functionality? Or do you necessarily need to connect the DAC through a cable when using Amarra? thanks, Alex.

By: John Reekie Mon, 07 May 2012 11:55:00 +0000 Leon – yes and no. At the time the review was published, there were three versions of Amarra, ranging from $99 up to $695 IIRC, the latter being the version reviewed. Looking at their website now, there are two versions, as $50 and $189. Things move fast in this area. As the last paragraph suggests though, try all of the available players with the trial periods.

By: Leon Sat, 05 May 2012 20:01:31 +0000 ?? Price: US $695 ??

By: Bob Wierenga Sun, 26 Feb 2012 21:19:54 +0000 Pete —

I don’t think there will ever be a piece of software to fix the essential incompatibility between ID3 tags and classical music. You’re right that the current tagging schemes (which aren’t really specific to any particular piece of software) were designed for pop music and are a poor fit for classical. If you’re curious, here’s the system I’ve used to generate sensible tags for my (too large) collection of classical music. Basically, I put a lot of the information that there’s no tag for in the Album field. So when I ripped the Karajan 1967 recording of Shostakovich’s 10th, the tag for the first movement looked like this:

Artist: Dmitri Shostakovich
Album: Symphony No. 10 (Karajan/BPO 1967)
Song: Andante Moderato

In iTunes, this lets me use the “artist” view to get a view of my collection organized by composer. When I double-click on a composer, I then get a view of all of the albums, with the conductor and orchestra included in the album name. I can’t search by conductor or orchestra, but I find I never really want to do that anyway. When I have a disc on which the conductor is the main point of interest (i.e., a Toscanini recording), I go ahead and make the conductor the artist and put the composer’s name in the album title.

By: omasciarotte Wed, 01 Feb 2012 01:27:52 +0000 Hey Mr. Quinn,

Thanks for the review, very cool! A quick clarification…With “Sonic EQ” enabled as you show in the preferences screenshot, Amarra’s EQ has quite a few more types than just parametric. Personally, I’m a fan of Amarra’s shelving filters.


By: John Reekie Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:16:25 +0000 Hi Pete, I’d agree that iTunes is not perfect, but with respect to your specific comments, there is a Composer field for each track, as well as a Comments field where you can put any information about a performance that you like.

By: Pete Rogers Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:59:30 +0000 A nice clean and clear review. Sorry I’m a bit late to the party.

Unfortunately, for my purposes, Amarra doesn’t appear to get over a major obstacle – the format of the metadata is as per i-tunes which is hopeless for classical music. Metadata based on an ASA format ( artist, song, album) doesn’t work for classical as there is no field for composer and you usually end up with individual track details limited to ” Herbert von Karajan, Symphony 5 andante”. Whose Symphony 5? Which orchestra? Which performance? etc. There are other issues but I won’t go into them here for brevity.

One day I hope to be able to move to mac or pc audio. Sadly it seems not yet (unless anyone can suggest a piece of software of which I am currently unaware).

By: Rob McCance Wed, 04 Jan 2012 04:31:45 +0000 JQ,

Sorry I missed that! I reread the entire post several times looking for it. Oops.

As for using a parametric EQ in a digital stream, I’ve got to say I think it’s nonsense.

Here’s why: why would you want to rip something Apple Lossless, or use FLAC, WAV or any other pristine lossless format to then alter it with some “EQ” prior to sending it to your DAQ?

That’s ridiculous (to me) and defeats almost the entire purpose here. Plus, altering the bits with “EQ” adds distortion.

Not wanting a debate/argument here, just one guys opinion.

By: Joe Quinn Wed, 04 Jan 2012 03:07:37 +0000 Hello again Rob,

Dacs and connections are described in the post directly above yours.

As to using the parametric eq in Amarra, it’s great for taming room anomalies and is quite clean.


