The enthusiast's audio webzine

Magnepan Incorporated—A Tiny Giant

Though it may sound like the stronghold of a race of ice giants straight out of The Golden Compass, White Bear Lake is a working class suburb of Saint Paul Minneapolis. There is one giant living amongst the modest homes, strip malls and wetlands though, and that’s the venerable Magnepan, Incorporated. Known for the quality and value of their relatively large planar loudspeakers, the family run business has been manufacturing their quasi-ribbon and true ribbon products since 1969. Founded by Jim Winey, a 3M engineer who found his Janszen and KLH electrostats wanting, the company continues to be family owned and operated.


We have a large and fairly active audiophile self-help group hereabouts, the ASM or Audio Society of Minnesota, and our Presidente pulled some strings with his buds and arranged a field trip for us. I was happy, for even a few hours, to escape the pain of trade show prep, so I pointed my nav widget at White Bear Lake and off I went.

Our little group, about a dozen, was hosted by Wendell Diller, Magnepan’s sales and marketing manager. Manufacturing takes place in a 50,000 square foot shed, and we picked one of the hottest days of the year for our tour…argh.

Wendell Diller and Mark Winey

Wendell Diller and Mark Winey

We started with the wood shop, where the panel frames are formed on a numerically controlled machine. Those frames begin life as a quotidian sheet of trusty MDF; dimensionally stable, homogeneous in all three dimensions, and inexpensive. Sorry, no wenge here folks…

The Wood Shop’s spiffy router table - Magnepan

The Wood Shop’s spiffy router table

CNC-machined loudspeaker frames - Magnepan

CNC-machined loudspeaker frames

Elsewhere in the plant, the magnet assembly is being formed. Long strips of flexible magnetic material are lined up in parallel and adhered to a perforated metal sheet which becomes a planar pole piece.


Flexible magnet material

Magnepan Magnet Assembly

Magnet assembly

To create a “voice coil,” you need a former. Traditional loudspeakers use circular or square cross-section wire wrapped around a cylindrical former. Magneplanars use something akin to more modern printed voice “coils” sometimes used in tweeters. Instead of wire, a very, very thin aluminum strip is attached, by hand, to Mylar film. When placed in proximity of the magnets, this drives the entire surface of the film. Mylar is also dimensionally stable and not hygroscopic which assures proper tension across the frame.

Magnepan Film

Raw mylar film

In the following photograph, Wendell is standing over a nearly completed panel. The silvery ribbon can be seen…notice how the spacing changes from the long edge farthest from Wendell to the one closest to him, which is part of the solution to producing a broadband emitter. A related aspect of that same solution is the use of two different width magnetic strips where appropriate. Tweeters get a much narrower magnetic strip than low-frequency and broadband panels since shorter wavelengths are involved.

Nearly-complete Magnepan panel

Nearly-complete Magnepan panel

The result of all these elements is a finished panel. Again, the variable ribbon spacing is visible, as are those magic white buttons:

Finished Magnepan Panel

Finished Magnepan Panel

According to Wendell, the buttons “…break up the diaphragm into multiple resonant areas.” Huh? As you probably know, electromechanical systems exhibit resonances as do purely mechanical and electronic systems. EQ is a common example of electrical resonance. The simpler the system, the easier it is to predict the resonant modes. By the way, resonance according to Wikipedia is the “tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others.” Think guitar string or my fave Helmholtz Resonator, an empty Northern Lights Ale bottle – since I get to drain it prior to use. Imagine a Maggie at resonance, that large expanse of plastic flopping around excessively, it’s liable to bottom out with some resulting nasty distortion. Hence the buttons, which detune the panel and reduce the effects of resonances.

Though most of Magnepan’s products are quasi–ribbon, they also make true ribbons in the old school sense; a corrugated strip of aluminum, vanishingly thin, suspended in a magnetic field:

Magnepan's ribbon

Magnepan’s ribbon


The ribbon within the completed tweeter assembly

The ribbon within the completed tweeter assembly

Magnepan offers this true ribbon in their high-end tweeters, two good examples being their 3.7 three way and their super kewel Mini Maggie 2.1 system. Insanely great sound at what could also be called an insane price. In fact, that sums up their entire range…neutral voicing, excellent transient response, room filling with a wide sweet spot considering they are panels, and prices that make one laugh at the idea of domestically (hand) made goods generally being on the spendy side. The down side? They are dipoles, which can be problematic in certain rooms though some of their models are designed to be wall mounted and, “What’s that you say, sonny?” – they are not for the hard of hearing or the blow my hair back, “Damn, this is as loud as my Marshall stack!” School of Rock Reproduction.

I’m a recent transplant to the Twin Cities, so I don’t have the local historical perspective of some of my ASM geekolytes. What I can tell you is, I’ve been in CE and pro audio for a long time, and even when I was a New England kid worshiping at the altar of the Boston Audio Society with local kids like Edgar Villchur, Henry Kloss and Tomlinson Holman cranking out groundbreaking product, the far-away Magnepan company had a reputation as seriously high fi for not a lot of dough. The same is true today…olde tyme value, great sound. If you get a chance to listen, please do.

MAGNEPAN Incorporated
1645 Ninth St
White Bear Lake MN 55110 USA


Readers' comments

    Once the second best bargain speaker in audio, BUT since the departure of Acoustat ( USA ) in 1991, Magnepan is by far the # 1 bargain speaker in audio, dollar for dollar no other speaker even come’s close, yes i’m a die hard panel fan, Acoustat owner since 1984 once you discover panels THERE IS NO GOING BACK.

    MrAcoustat – – – – – http://www.flickr.com/photos/mracoustat/

  • Dude,

    You got it bad! Seriously, Magnepans are a tremendous bargain considering the outstanding performance. Accounting for all the variations in personal preferences, I can’t say they’re #1 but they certainly are in the top 5.

    Hope you liked the piece and, thanks for weighing in!


  • Great article for us maggie fans. I’ve had the MMG’s for years, modded the crossovers etc. I will never get rid of them. I guess they could make my coffin out of them…

  • Thanks for the factory tour. – As a proud owner of SMG Maggies for almost 30 years I finally upgraded to the 1.6 QR’s. Before the upgrade (that includes Marantz AV separates & an OPPO-103) I did not consider myself an audiophile. Now that I exist in a new realm I hope to move on to the 20.7’s and definitely will upgrade my Outlaw mono amps (which are also a great bargain). …Anyways now that I’ve come across HiFi Zine I’ll be enjoying your site quite regularly… p.s. also enjoyed your website MrAcoustat (some awesome photo’s & hardware).

  • Hey G-ninja,

    Thanks for the support! Sounds like you’ve got a nice rig; good performance without being crazy spendy.…BTW, Happy Halloween!


    • Monitor Audio speakers have aalyws been a favorite choice for me. Smooth roll-off the highs, very tight sounding bass response without being overpowering, and mids that make your favorite vocalist sound even sweeter.Nice job of picking components that won’t break the bank.

      • Hey Gustavo,

        Thanks. I will occasionally write up a product that’s expensive but, generally, great sound can be had on a relatively modest budget. I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing Monitor Audio products but will look for them at my next trade show…


    I am locate in Sweden . I have Magnepan 1,6 and i want to change to Furutech Fuse 6×32 mm 4,0 A is that corect?
    Best regards

  • Hey Tony,

    That’s a good question, and best asked of the nice folks in White Bear Lake. Their daytime phone is +1 651-426-1645. I don’t have an e-mail for their service dept., but I’d send an e-mail to and CC .

    If that doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll see who else I can rustle up…


  • Great company – great sounding equipment. I will never give up my MMG’s. I’m proud to be an American with companies like Magnepan!

  • Yes me again, i have been with panels since 1984, i have been an audiophile for more than 40 years, i
    know i started a little late, got maried and settled down and that’s when it all started i was 25 going on 50, the first 14 years i was into boxed speakers in 1984 i discovered Acoustat’s electrostatic speakers and that was the beginning of my panel journey, for many years i have been helping audiophiles to go outside the BOX i start them of with Magnepan – small – medium – then larger models, i try to make them get their money’s worth and with Magnepan you ALWAYS do, i have said this before and i will say it again because i believe this to be true, dollar for dollar NOTHING come’s close to Magnepan, for the love of music not NOISE.

    • For those of you who have trouble juiinfystg big speakers to your significant other (like me), try the Silverline Minuets. They are small enough that they can sit on a desk and they absolutely rock. They go low enough that they don’t demand a sub but I recommend one.

      • Hey Georges,

        Thanks for the suggestion. Bookshelfs are one of my favorites as well; I own B&W 685s.That said, the Minuet Supreme Plus fits into that very broad and crowded category, so that’s a bit like suggesting figs when someone wants oranges.
        Did you know that Maggie makes the Mini Maggie System, a crazy good desktop version of their big panels? At twice the price of the Minuets, it’s not for everyone, but it is all the things folks love in a Maggie in a form factor your significant other will also love.


    Just got my January issue of The Absolute Sound. There is an ad for the .7 speaker with a decorative vase to get perspective. But there is no information about it on your site. Anxious to see that and am curious about the price too. Thanks.

    • Hello Charles,
      I have not heard it as yet but I can ask the guys up in WBL if a loaner is available…
      All the best,

    Since 1 2 weeks I own the Magnepans .7
    Absolutely astonishing. stunning reproducer.
    They sound great with my Accuphase E212 amplifier. The best speaker I ever had. ( I had Quad electrostatics ESL63, Kef and also AR speakers)

    • Hello Peter,

      Ars were what started me on the audiophile path, and the first time I heard Quads, it was a revelation. So, you’ve had some great speakers from comparison, and I’m glad you’re pleased with your Maggies!

      Thanks for reading and, keep listening!

    • Peter, My name is Glenn and I am seriously considering purchasing a pair of Maggies I auditioned. I’d like to drive them with a “to be” purchased, fairly high-end Integrated Amp. How much power output (as a minimum) do you recommend is required to drive them cleanly. Even if you had a recommended component, that would be great!
      Thank You…. Regards, Glenn

      • Hi Glen,

        I’d have to guess that a 50W into 8Ω amp would be a good starting point. You can go as big as you want from there, with a 100W into 8Ω amp providing headroom to spare. Do remember that Maggies play loud enough for my needs (I don’t own a pair) but they don’t play crazy loud.

        As to a particular component, you haven’t mentioned your budget, where you are located, whether or not you’d buy a used piece of gear, and other details. So sorry, no recommendations…

    Without too much detail, how efficient are Magnepan’s? I auditioned a used pair of Maggie’s and didn’t catch the Integrated Amplifier (specifications) which was used. They sounded very nice; very natural and spacious. How much power (as a minimum) should be used to push a pair of Magnepans approximately 58″ high by 21″ wide. Thank you

  • Glenn,

    You need two things to drive Maggies the right way.. 1) power/watts 2) current

    These type of speakers are absolutely amazing, proud owner of a pair of a classic MGiic, modified crossovers, etc. I have driven mine with a Hafler DH500, Adcom 555ii, Threshold Stasis 300 and so to be a Emotiva XPA-2 (300 wpc into 8ohm, 450 into 4 ohm)

    And I tried a NAD integrated amp with a 75wpc rating… No bueno!! Solid State all the way… Class A to A/B.

    Go separates do not go integrated.. One thing about Magnepans Old and New.. They will tell you how good your stereo equipment really is.. Also, a amp with a higher wattage output than required for your speaker is highly desirable and is safer for your speakers. Make sure it is clean current power.. Otherwise your just teasing your Maggies.

  • Hey Glenn,

    That’s a common question…According to the Maggie site, “We hear of customers that are perfectly happy with 50 watts and others using 1000 watts. Without the option of listening with you, we have no way to give meaningful advice. The most reliable way to answer this question for your particular needs is by visiting a dealer or arranging to hear a pair of Magneplanars.” I would agree that 50 W would be an absolute minimum but, for most listeners, being able to deliver 100 W or more into 4 Ω is a more sensible goal.

    Given that there are many, amps available that meet that spec, I think you could find something within your budget that will work well. For more, see:


  • Hey Glen,

    Had an interesting discussion with Roger Sanders of sanderssoundsystems.com last night via Skype as part of this month’s Audio Society of MN meeting. For Maggies, he recommended an amp that is rated for 200 to 500 W continuous into a 3 Ω load, which is the impedance they present to the amp. BTW, his Magtech amps are a good, reasonably priced match for Maggies.

    All the best,

  • Hi there I have some speakers that need rewiring. Can you supply a rebuild kit if I let you no
    the model. I’m in the UK.

    • Hi Drew,

      I suggest you contact the manufacturer directly! You should be able to send it to them for a refurb…


    Got my 3.7i’s this week, OMG they sound so good. I was a little worried because my stereo is a little Naim system NAP 90/3 NAC 92 CD3, and I was worried it wouldn’t have enough juice, but it seems to power them effortlessly. I am listening to music I’ve listened to for 30 years and I am hearing gorgeous details I’ve never heard before (in the best quality CDs). I think Naim and Magnepan were made to be together. I’ll probably upgrade to Naim NAP 250 NAC 82 and Supercap 2. Wow, to all the people who built these speakers – they are awesome.

  • What do you think the production sequence number understand product delivery time

  • Could you tell me when is the following products production, back to the factory maintenance work。

  • As the proud new owner of the MMG and the Harbeth compact 7esr I find myself drawn to the Maggie’s the c7s set me back with stands $5000 the MMG were $900 including shipping This only proves cost has no place in level of performance. Don’t get me wrong I love the Harbeth but I am amazed at how big these MMG can sound I definitely will be ordering the .7s in the near future I run these with a little moon integrated 40 wpc 8 ohm 80 @ 4 no problem they love it

    • Hi Gerhard… I am the happy owner of Harberth P3esr’s run on SET amp that was only $400 in a well damped living room and in the low ceiling and bright sounding man cave/laundry room I have MMG’s ($450!) with lots of expensive gear…I just want to say that I built stands for the MMG’s that raise them 6 ” off the ground and have about twice the floor area of the wimpy metal brackets. Although I used fancy wood ( I am a retired carpenter) you could build the stands out of $10 worth of 2 x 10’s and greatly improve the sound. If you are interested I could send you a photo and you could build them or hire a local carpenter….the MMG’s are now vertical…this is an amazingly cheap tweak…Jan

    I run my Maggies (1.6 with modifications by Stereo Unlimited, which no longer exists) with a Jolida 801A 70 watt tube amp. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Maggies can be driven to make beautiful music with certain tube amplifiers.

  • Hey Jan Woo got rid of the MMG now have the new .7 a big improvement I also have the Harbeth p3esr I really enjoy them all Easy to drive with my new moon Neo 250i

  • Well I have loved panels for some time, I had mmgII’s till I eventually went to Quad 63’s. The Quad’s did some things better and the Maggie’s did some things better. The maggies do open up with power – fortunately quality power is available today. A friend had a set of tympani’s which are to me one of the all time awesome speakers. My nephew has mmg’s which for their size and price are absolutely amazing. While panels have some great attributes, I think it’s partly due to the dipolar radiation pattern, as I have come to experience with cone drivers in the linkwitz orions – which are a bargain because they’re a kit – if they were purchased as completed units they would be many times the price of the maggie’s. I often get asked by folks who are getting into audio or maybe upgrading from an initial box store purchase, I always tell them, get a pair of magnepan mmg’s they will blow your mind and show you what audio is about.

  • I still have the Magnepan including twice 3 panels (bought back in the 80′). Now, in a new home, I will have the proper room to dispaly these so great Timpani III.
    A question : what kind of amplifier and which minimum power is requested ?

    Thanks for what you did achieved at the level of Martin Logan 🙂

  • I have a pair of MG-I speakers that I’ve had forever. You even refurbished them for me once before. Can you do that again?

    I love them and love having people be surprised by them and how much they love them!

    • I am owner of the 3.7i since 3 months, the question “What is the best amplifier for Magneplanars” it’s answered very diplomatically from Magnepan itself see http://www.magnepan.com/faq
      Why diplomatically? Why they don’t recommend the amplifier power you need (for some reasons they are right).
      Shortly my experience, don’t use tube amplifiers I had ones, mono blocks 130W at 4 Ohms they could not drive satisfactorily my Maggies
      Use a good AB amplifier. Regarding the power needs, this depends on your listening taste and room size. Considering that Magnepans have a moderate sensitivity, if you like to listen some dynamic recordings at moderate levels, you are close to the 1000 W zone. Since one week I am using the Magtech from Sanders. I can recommend this amplifier to any Magnepan owner with closed eyes. Try Magtech and you will remember me (there is also the possibility for a in home risk free 30 days trial)

    I am owner of the 3.7i since 3 months, the question “What is the best amplifier for Magneplanars” it’s answered very diplomatically from Magnepan itself see http://www.magnepan.com/faq
    Why diplomatically? Why they don’t recommend the amplifier power you need (for some reasons they are right).
    Shortly my experience, don’t use tube amplifiers I had ones, mono blocks 130W at 4 Ohms they could not drive satisfactorily my Maggies
    Use a good AB amplifier. Regarding the power needs, this depends on your listening taste and room size. Considering that Magnepans have a moderate sensitivity, if you like to listen some dynamic recordings at moderate levels, you are close to the 1000 W zone. Since one week I am using the Magtech from Sanders. I can recommend this amplifier to any Magnepan owner with closed eyes. Try Magtech and you will remember me (there is also the possibility for a in home risk free 30 days trial)

    • I have the 3.7I’s and drive them nicely with an Acurus A-250 ( almost 300rms aside @ 4 ohms and The room is medium large…my ARC sp9 tube preamp along with an Esoteric DV 50 S cd player rounds out the basic system along with Cambridge audio servo subs @ 150 rms each to enhance the needed bass.
      I switched out the nickel jumpers for 8 gauge solid copper and heard a positive difference mainly in transparency. Absolute best buy and sound in these magnificent speakers…room placement is paramount to get the most out of them….MGII’s in 1975, then 1.6QR’s in 1999 and FINALLY 3.7I’s in 2016

    Los maggies los siento que te llenan con e lsonido pero les falta pegada les falta fuerza para sentir su presencia musical si mejora eso es otra cosa su audio sería completo

  • I have mine 1.6 since 2003, before then Quad 63. My love for maggies is back to the 70s (Timpany+Macintosh) I’ ve bene driving mine first with Bryston 4bsst and non with J.Bongiorno’s (rip) monos ampzilla 2000. Auditioned with Conrad-Johnson 70 watt tube, and Stevie Ray Vaughan was in the room playing for me. No more distribuited in Italy (alas) and looking for

  • Hi, i bought a 20.7 last week (used). Very very proud of my speakers, I would like to know what could be my cost for a new pair of socks and the back too, mine are off white and I would like to have a black one. Do you have a pair of bananas lug connectors at your mill avalaible for the customer. I live in Quebec City Canada and since Cora is closed we don’t have any more dealer in my areas. Th’s

  • I purchased a pair of mg12qr about 8 years ago used them for a few months . I thought they were fantastic sounding speakers. unfortunately one was knocked over by one of our dogs . the speaker landed on a floor standing picture frame . it was a drift wood stand and the side pieces stood higher than the rest of the frame they were poking through the back of the speaker .it did not tear any holes in the sock . but it damaged the panel inside .I stood it back up and turned my stereo on . I was surprised when it was still working . but there is damage which fed back to my hafler amps and pre amp . so the system has been sitting in that state since . it was very upsetting because it was the stereo I had wanted since I was in my early teens . I’m now in my 50s. I just don’t understand why magnepan would send these speakers and other models out of their factory with such shitty stands.if they would have extended the stand past the front of the speaker like they do with the more expensive models this would have never happened. if I do decide to repair it I will have to modify the stand so it doesn’t happen again .

  • Bought a pair of Tympani IB speakers around 1973 – best speakers I ever had. However, I gave them to my son several years ago – as I was downsizing.
    The two midrange/bass panels on one side no longer work – no sound comes from either of the two panels. The tweeter on that side works fine.
    Any suggestions on how to get the speaker repaired? My son lives in Rancho Cucomonga in California – I see there is a dealer in San Diego. He could take the speaker there if the dealer does repairs. Or would it be better to ship it back to your company?
    My son also wonders if it’s possible to replace the brown fabric with a white one, or another color. Perhaps this could be done at the time of repair.
    Thanks for your consideration.
    Dan Bohle

  • I am now on my third set of Maggie’s (first purchased in 1982) I now own the 1.7i s. I am pushing them with a used Krell S550i integrated amp (275 watts RMS into 8 ohms per channel). I just upgraded 6 months ago to using Tidal to stream MQA based music files via a LUMIN DAC. OMG – as more and more ‘old Jazz, old Blues, old Rock and Roll gets encoded into the MQA format at I am in 7Th Heaven. I have listened to Diana Krall for years – with MQA it images so much better via my Maggie’s it is unbelievable!!! I pride myself in buying high end sound for minimal dollars. With my Maggie’s and MQA I have exceeded my wildest expectations. I am now looking at adding a bass panel to my 1.7i system – I will let you all know how this turns out.

  • Dear,
    since a number of years I have a set of Magneplanar Speakers in my studio. In the last weeks the left channel speaker shows some problems, and I believe, that there are some contact problems or defective elements somewhere in the crossover network inside the unit. If you can send me a schematic of the crossover network this would be helpflu to bring back this speaker to his full function.
    The Magneplanar speakers are more or less one of the few speakers who could compete with Quad or Manger. I would like to keep these as my reference speakers. I could not identify which model my Maggies are, there is a metal panel which indicates the serial numbers 116787 -L and 116787-R
    hope you could identify these…
    best regards

  • I have been an audio enthusiast since my college days in 1970. I heard the 6-panel Magneplanar Tympani’s around 1971)and never forgot the amazing sound, but I had to settle for large Advents, which I still have today. A year ago, I had the opportunity to hear the SMG’s and the owner sold them to me. I am again amazed at how good these sound; everyone who listens to them is amazed as well. I use these in a small 4-season sunroom, so despite the less that ideal acoustics, the sound is awesome.

    These are easily driven by a used Yamaha HTR-5960 receiver (100 RMS @ 8-ohms) which I acquired from an electronics store (sounds equally well with Yamaha HTR-5760). I know these are 4-ohm speakers and purposely chose these receivers. The lowest bass register is supplemented by a Polk Audio subwoofer. This is a relatively inexpensive setup that absolutely sounds terrific. Jazz, blues, vocals and country all sound crystal clear with an incredible presence and soundstage.

  • I literally grew up with the Magnepan sound as a good friend was the Magneplaner and Audio Research dealer in my local town back in the 1970s.

    I finally bought my own a pair of Magnepan 2.7QRs over 20 years ago, and now drive them with a Gamut D200 Mk 3 fed by a Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 Signature pre-amp. Sources are a Burmester 089 CD player and Simon Yorke S7 record player with Graham Phantom arm.

    The Gamut is a single MOSFET per channel design with 200W/ch into 8 ohms, 400W/ch into 4 ohms. With high current capability it is a match made in heaven for the Maggies. The speaker cables are Kimber 12TC.

    The one downside of the Maggie design is the cheap stands that allow it to wobble slightly. While there are proven cures like Myestands and the awesome Magnestands, these require expensive shipping if you live outside N. America.

    Last year I found a great solution that does not require any mods to the speakers as such but effectively decouples them from the room, improving bass and transparency, and all but eliminating room resonances. This is the Townshend Audio Seismic Platform from the UK, which Max Townshend will custom make to suit the footprint of your speakers stands.

    I use the 2.7s with an REL S3 subwoofer, also on a Seismic Platform, and the result is simply awesome with lifelike holographic imaging underpinned by subtle deep bass when required. Although I visit the Munich High-End Show every year I have yet to hear a system less that 10 times more expensive that is better in any meaningful way. Bang for your buck; you bet!

  • I am the owner of Two sets of MG II’s. I can not express my opinion on how fulfilling these speakers are.
    I am using a standard consumer 150 watt per channel HD receiver that I listen to WDAV-2 and WFAE-2 with. Yes I know I speak words of the devil when I say standard consumer receiver and Radio. However HD FM is great. for the masses. And yes the stands are less than perfect. I am sure that most people can build a brace to hold them from the sides. When not using the Maggies I have my STAX headphones on.

    Please don’t laugh to loud.


  • Hi all,
    I am the recent second purchaser of a pair of MG1C speakers with a B&O system to initially power them. It is a three piece B&O with a Beomaster 6000, a Beogram 8002 with a brand new Soundsmith cartridge, and a Beocord 8004 tape deck. This comprised the system as purchased. It sounds terriffic, but I will upgrade the stereo components, as the B&O stuff is massive and requires a huge flat space. I will replace the amp with a Heathkit AP-1800 preamp, and a Heathkit AA-1800 amplifier. The AA-1800 could easily pump out 500 watts all day, but is very conservatively rated at 250 watts per channel into 8 ohms. These pieces were part of Heathkit’s Professional line, and cost like it. I’ve never heard a better sounding combination. The pre-amp is just as awesome as the power amp. The pre-amp’s versatility is simply amazing. So getting these hooked up to the Magneplannar’s will occur just as soon as I get them back from refurb! They should easily sound as new then, and thinking how good they sound now, I can’t wait to get them back.

    I suppose I will totally rebuild the B&O’s and resell them. I’ve been restoring old or new electronics for more than 50 years, so you folks can imagine how good the rebuilt components will be! Former EE, ME, CS kind of person.

    All the best – Don H.

  • Is Magnepan still in business? I ordered and paid for my LRS speakers on 7-19-19 and have never heard from Magnepan thru today; no estimated arrival, thanks, or anything.

    Please respond.

    Best regards, Kerry

  • Hi All,

    Wow! Great write up on the Magnepan tour, and love the commentary. I recently acquired a set of Tympani IC’s from a friend who owned a recording studio in the 70’s and 80’s and recently passed. They were stored for decades in their original boxes and I removed the grill sock from the right side to check for corrosion damage. These need to be cleaned and rewired, capped, etc. I would like to pair these up to the Quicksilver Audio amps my friend had as well, and would like to refurbish them myself if possible. I have experience in completely restoring a few sets of KEF 104.2, but never a ribbon speaker. Is there anyone in central CA or SoCal that has, or someone I can consult with who has experience refurbishing these speakers? Not afraid, but also not foolish to just dive in without adult supervision.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance is appreciated!

    • I would start by contacting Magnepan:


      They can either perform the repair or send you a parts kit. There is also an after–market for Maggies. Do a web search on “magnepan upgrades” for some insight into that.

      Good luck in your journey!

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