Comments on: Performance vs. Sound The enthusiast's audio webzine Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:46:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: jim goulding Tue, 17 Dec 2013 21:26:25 +0000 A little footnote: Peter mentions Jazz at The Pawnshop and I completely agree with his sentiments. What I am writing to tell you is that ALL of the Scandanavian labels of which “Pawnshop” is one (i.e. Proprius, BIS, Opus 3, ODIN, Finnadar, etc.) in my library have exceptional sound above their contemporaries. Must be that the weather keeps them inside so much. Not kidding about the sound. On the BIS Mi-Fi-Li, Symphonic Poem, the conductor and ensemble are pictured on the reverse in what appears to be the wing of an old castle. Two microphones appear on a stand overhead just in front of the ensemble. Turn it up and your ears are about where the conductor is standing. Turn it down some and your sitting about five rows back and that would be my preference. It is as real sounding in all dimensions as any recording I know of.

By: jim goulding Sat, 23 Nov 2013 19:15:52 +0000 Having re-read your piece, Peter, three come to mind without much effort:

American composer Howard Hanson’s Sym no.2 “Romantic” and Lament for Beowolf for Orchestra and Chorus (Mercury Golden Imports). One I really wish did sound romantic, particularly the stirring Beowolf;
Shostakovich Sym no.10 (USSR Melodiya/Angel). Very same thing altho it’s a bit better than the former;
And for jazz, ALL of Branford Marsalis’ recordings for Columbia. Perhaps the last of great tenor sax players and composers as jazz, it seems to me, is a past tense artform. Too dull and compressed.

By: John Reekie Mon, 11 Nov 2013 11:43:56 +0000 It’s an interesting question. I have only recently discovered that Pandora was unblocked from Australian access in the last year, and so have started exploring it and other streaming services as well. So: access to vast amounts of music, with some fidelity loss. I’ve also started exploring “hi res”, which is the opposite in both respects. I realize this it’s not quite what you meant Peter, but I can’t help feeling there’s some relevance.

By: jim goulding Thu, 31 Oct 2013 00:40:48 +0000 Too many to enumerate. Audiophiles are gaga by things like transparency, soundstaging, and detail. But, purity of tone is what slays the savage breast around here. That’s not to say that I don’t appreciate the aforementioned also, it pleases me to be able to tell you.
