Stylistic guidelines
Our “house style” tends to concise and informative rather than flowery and effusive. We encourage you to develop your own style and allow your personality to come through, provided that it conforms to normal expectations of well-written English. A certain level of idiomatic and colloquial expression is fine, but it shouldn’t be overdone.
Formatting guidelines
Here are our guidelines for submission of article text and images. None of these are compulsory, but the more of that you can do, the easier it makes it for us to publish your article. Thank you!
- Provide a plain text file, or a simple word-processing file. Avoid fancy formatting, as it just makes it harder for us and will be a waste of your time.
- Please provide images as separate files, not embedded within text (see below for separate image guidelines).
- Indicate where an image is to be placed into the text with the image name in square brackets e.g. [01. This first image with this filename].
- Where it makes sense, provide hyperlinks for supporting material, such as links to product pages, musician or recordings, and so on. Simply put the URL in parentheses after the word to be linked (http://www.this-is.com/the/link).
- Please take the time to do a fact-checking and completeness pass over your own article. Things such as names and spelling of people and places, albums, songs/tracks, and so on, are a common source of errors and very time-consuming for the editors to check and correct. Provide full names, not initials or first names only (you may know who “Simon” is within the context of your article, but that doesn’t mean that we do). Please provide expansions of all acronyms (again, “SOS” might be obvious to you but not to us.)
- There is no set length. Our articles vary in length from 500 to 5000 words; use what is appropriate to the subject matter.